Tuesday, May 31, 2011


May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD. Psalm 104:34

Did you knwo that ht ethoughts we roll over in our minds, the conversations we review or practice, and what we tell ourselves are meditations? It's true. And scary.

I remember a time in my life when I never thought about my thoughts. They flittered through my mind as freely as butterflies in an expansive field. Then I learned that God cared about my thoughts. And He wanted me to be careful about my thoughts.

Even if no one else knows the callous, judgemental, selfish thoughts I have, He does.

And He knows my heart's desire to squash every sinful thought. He has even provided a way for me to do it.

While I haven't figured out the trick to preventing these thoughts, I have learned to replace them. As I fill up on God's word thorugh Bible reading, study, and memorization, I gain more and more weapons to stop negative thoughts and lies and replace them with Truth.

It is a constant battle, but one that becomes easier over time. With my willingness and God's faithfulness, my meditations will become pleasing to Him!

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